Saturday 29 February 2020

Badamwari di Srinagar

Badamwari di Srinagar

Badamwari adalah sebuah taman yang sangat cantik ketika musim bunga. Badamwari ini dipenuhi dengan pokok-pokok Almond. Bunga Almond (badam) lah yang mula-mula akan berkembang mekar bila masuknya Musim Bunga di Kashmir, menjadikan garden ini kelihatan sangat cantik. Memang rugi besar jika anda tidak singgah ke Badamwari itu.

Kalau cuaca cerah, akan kelihatan background dari pintu gerbangnya dengan gunung yang sangat cantik seperti gambar yang saya ambil dari google di bawah ini. Malangnya, waktu saya ke sana, cuaca mendung. Jadi tidak nampaklah background gunung nya itu. Sudah 2 kali saya sampai ke Badamwari, tapi masih tak ada rezeki dapat view macam ni...

cantik sangat kan?

Jika anda melancong ke Kashmir pada bulan hujung Mac-awal April, pastikan anda singgah ke Badamwari kerana di situ terdapat pokok badam yang mengeluarkan bunga yang sangat cantik, berwarna pink dan putih.. samada anda percaya atau tidak, bunganya kelihatan seperti bunga sakura!
Tapi sayangnya, bunga almond ni tidak mekar lama, cuma dalam masa 2 minggu saja...

The early bloom of flowers on Almond trees in the sprawling historic Badamwari garden in Shahr-e-Khaas has become a source of attraction for nature lovers and tourists, alike. Situated on foothills of Koh-e-Maran, the 300 kanals garden was dotted with trees, flowers and cascades providing a soothing experience to the visitors. Historians maintain there was no record to suggest who laid the garden but they say it existed even before the rule of Sultan Zain-ul-Abidin in the 14th century. A well-covered dome in the garden is named after an Afghan ruler, Warris Shah. The bloom on the Almond trees heralded the spring. the garden was revived and formally thrown open for public in 2008

Spring in Kashmir begins with the first bloom of an almond flower.

Spring in Kashmir is beautiful beyond words. It enthrals the visitors and locals alike and heralds the end of the harsh bitter winter. For many decades, the appearance of the almond blossoms in Badamwari meant that the spring was finally there in Kashmir and the sighting was celebrated with much joy. Delicately beautiful, an almond flower with its pale pink petals, resembles a painted umbrella when fully bloomed and it is symbolically connected with Kashmir’s social celebrations. A fully flowering almond tree is a sight to behold too and the old residents of the Kashmir Valley recollect their prettiness with misty eyes. It is because a blooming almond tree meant the beginning of Navreh in Kashmir and in olden times, the Kashmiri Pandits celebrated it as their New Year festival. Those used to be the days when peace, prosperity, and communal harmony existed in the valley and people irrespective of their religion, visited the garden to enjoy the blooming almond trees on Navreh. The Badamwari in Srinagar was the local hotspot for the almond blossom viewing and sadly, just like peace in Kashmir, the garden also got destroyed completely. [maverickbird]

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